• Family History


  • Biography


  • Eulogy



to Quirky Characters

A place to find inspiration to preserve the stories of your loved ones and ancestors.

Perhaps you are the keeper of your family stories or you are a family historian who has been researching for years, but has struggled to bring all the facts together to be shared with others. Or you may have recently lost someone special and you want to put together all the cherished memories people shared with you at their funeral. By writing their story, you can create a beautiful biographical heirloom, a tribute that will be cherished for generations to come. Allow me to show you how.

Head on over to Sunday Storytelling to find a story that resonates with you and inspires you to take that next step of committing a loved one’s life to print.

Why Quirky Characters?

You don’t necessarily have to be quirky in the traditional sense to feel like you have something to share. Quirky Characters is all about uniqueness. No two stories are ever the same. We all journey on different paths, hit milestones at different times and have a unique highlight reel! I chose the word quirky to reflect this uniqueness. My Irish great grandmother was also a Quirk!

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